Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back again

hi blog,

sorry for not being active...well came back and saw that this blog is kinda "vacant". Well...I came back to check it out! I almost forgot the password and username but luckily Tobias told me! thanks to him! hee...I gotta go now! Bye bye!

Signing off,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reviving this dead blog

right people,this blog has been dormant for a few months now no one has come to blog here for a loooong time so its up to me to revive this blog right? lets see,first lets check out some new things about hornbills i found go to Info(HB),click on the link.
then lets talk about errors in hornbills blog.
first,the CBOX has an error(It goes bang every time i try to configure it)
then,the the posting system of blogger is down.If some of you are wondering how im posting this:i searched the whole page and found where the textbox is(if you're thinking:wow this guy's clever!, you are right)so im goin off now.
_Post session is ended due to yz having to fix the cbox_
Yong Zhin